There are, quite possibly, no words to describe how much fun Sunday night was. Quite honestly, I didn't want to go. I was tired, I had had an exhausting week, and on Saturday we ran errands all day, then went to Ashley's wedding and then to Kayla's 7th grade vocal performance, so...stick a fork in me, I was DONE.
We love Bethel Ministries. We found out about them after one of there sweeties, Olivia, came to Turning Point after seeing a Craigslist ad for our group. Through that, Bethel Ministries' liturgical dance team, GuiDance, came to perform at Artbeat 2008. They were the hit of the show!
Then that led to a joint church outreach to help the homeless, and then they asked Pastor Scott to come paint a cross at their church after seeing the one in our dance studio that he had made.
THEN they allowed us the blessing of coming to their church as part of the Project 365 tour...and IT. WAS. AWESOME.
It was technically a youth service, and a lot of their youth presented scripture, poems, and music, and then they gave us a 40 minute window to dance and give testimonies. I don't know how to say it tactfully so I am just going to say it - every Christian needs to go to a black church once a year.
Their worship is incredible, their spirits contagious, and their love and encouragement toward each other is just captivating. We were so welcomed with open arms, and I got to share Sam's story as my testimony that night. The girls did great, and everyone at the church seemed to really enjoy it.
Afterward, they fed us cake (another point for Bethel!) and took pictures with us. One of possibly the biggest praises of all was that one woman liked it enough that she invited us to come tour to a school she works at. And Diana, who has been desperately looking for a full time teaching position, happened to be one of our dancers that night. And this specific school is hiring! We are praying that God will open a door for her to work there soon :) This is Bailey. She recently moved here from West
Virginia, and is one of the youngest (and spunkiest!)
dancers we have in Turning Point right now. She had
a little bout with homesickness this night, but she
overcame it and totally shined and made a lasting impression. This is us in front of "the cross II", that Pastor
Scott painted for Bethel Ministries. The original
version lives in our creative arts room in Roseville.
Kinda like Disneyland and Disney World.......
This is us, full of cake, with some of the Bethel congregants.
Please note the Project 365 ribbons some of them are wearing,
courtesy of Sarah Giles, who loved our original performance so
much that she made a million of them!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
23 hours ago
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