I was talking to one of my high school-aged dancers the other day, and, in response to something on her mind, I told her how teenagers are sort of always trying on being different people...trying to figure out who they want to be. I told her not to worry, because _______ is still in the changing room and will come out okay in the end. :)
But then when I thought about it....shoot, some of us, even mature adults, are still just coming out of those fittings. With just the few months that I have been devoting myself more fully to ministry, I have encountered just the strangest situations with people. It's really remarkable how sometimes the more guarded a person is, the more transparent they actually become. And then I realized that I am probably gonna come across as transparent too, no matter what "look" I try to put on. But my life motto is simple - what you see is what you get!
Strange interactions:
A chick who came out of nowhere, who I knew for exactly 3 hours of my life all but outright asked if I would hand over the dance ministry to her.
Then a stranger at a store came up and just started kissing Sam all over his face. His eyes got huge and if he could talk he would've screamed "stranger danger!!!" I swear that kid needs a do not touch sign.
Then someone who gave me a huge speech several weeks ago about something they were very passionate about, turned around today and gave me a new speech with the complete opposite opinion.
Then....two friends are getting married. The one I considered myself closer to did not invite me to his wedding, while the one I am not really close to at all anymore invited me to hers.
Life blows me away.
And there were miscellaneous other circumstances. Point being, Scott taught me something wise.....just be kind and humble, and God will work the rest out.
You just cannot gauge people. It's not worth even trying. All you can do is be ready to love them if given the opportunity.
This is not always an easy lesson for me. I used to always want to be right. I still tend to have an "i told you so" backbite that can really sting. But in recent weeks, God has really helped me learn how to be kind and pick my battles and he'll just take care of it. And you know...he totally has.
I'm not going back into the dressing room. I have found the perfect fit.
So here are some transparencies about me, so you always know that what you see is what you get.
**I am so drop dead excited about our summer performing arts camp. Diana and I passed out flyers at a low income apt complex yesterday, and people are already responding and wanting to bring their kids :)
**I hate how hot it is outside right now. We found the perfect park for Sam's birthday party today, and while I am in love with it....IT'S. GOING. TO. BE. SO. STINKING. HOT. OUTSIDE.
**I love sushi. And raspberry cheesecake. I could eat them every day, but if I did I would be very fat and very poor.
**When a certain song comes on the radio, Frank and I get excited because it is "our song" with Sam. The song is Beyonce's "Single Ladies"....and I am not sure if that is okay or not.
**I've been attempting to read The Purpose Driven Life for I think 5 years now, and I have never been able to....and I think I may have found my purpose anyhow. Sorry, Rick....
**I am SO SICK of hearing about Prop 8. If you think you know my opinion on it, then you are probably wrong. But either way, I am so so so tired of hearing about it. It grieves me so much, and I think it's the first political thing that has ever made an impact on my life.
**I do not like nylons. Or ugly toes.
**My baby has a frightening resemblance to a kewpie doll:
Who are you, blog reader? And what has compelled you to read this far? It must be a slow night in Internet lala land. <3
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
23 hours ago
hahahaha, sam is so freaking cute. im so excited to have chilll time with him this summmmmmeerr!
I love this post! It's just so...YOU. And you know that I love you, right? And I want to kiss your little "kewpie" all over his face, just like that insane stranger did...his face is so cute. But at least I don't classify as a stranger. =)
Haha, isn't funny how life sometimes turns out??
1) Sam does not look like a kewpie doll!
2) I'm not a fan of Rick Warren or his book(s). The Purpose Driven Life is not meaty enough for maturing Christians in my opinion.
3) I also cannot stand nylons...I will freeze with by bare legs rather than wear nylons.
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