I suppose since I just spent the last half hour writing a post about my personal life, I should write something action packed about my ministry life.
I spent a good chunk of my time this week dabbling in some basic graphic design-y stuff and came up with some decent looking posters for our fall programs. Through Artbeat, we found an incredible visual artist who is going to be teaching a Foundations of Drawing class while playing worship music and using God inspired themes, and we are also starting a photography ministry. Wonderful and ever-faithful Sue W has agreed to be my visual arts coordinator which means, once things start rolling, I don't have to do anything. Okay not ANYTHING....but the whole goal is for creative arts ministry to regenerate and grow to encompass all arts genres without my life getting stretched so thin that I have a holy nervous breakdown, and so far so good!
Turning Point is on summer break still, and Cinderella auditions are at the beginning of October. A lot of people have asked me if I have finished writing/adapting the script.....should my answer be.....yes? How about I have thought about getting to it? It's pretty much all I think about because I need to get it done SOON...but other things have taken priority - namely prepping everything else for fall dance and continuing my endless support raising journey. Praise God for a great friend who is going to let me speak at her ladies' get together to drum up more support.
Anyone else want to throw a party and let me crash it for the most awesome 20 minutes of photos and stories you will ever encounter? Wherever you live, I will come!
First weekend in October, nine of us are going down to San Bernadino for the 13th Annual Southern California Christian Dance Concert. We're going to perform there and hopefully do some other ministry things as well. Then Sunday the girls are all going to Disneyland. I really wanted to go with them and spend some fun time with them, but there is no way we can afford that right now.
So I fully intend to just stay in my pajamas and bond with the motel's cable TV I suppose! Mmmmm cable TV....I sure do miss that. But I do NOT regret how close I have become to God through this experience of having no money and living every day for His will and purpose.
So anyway, 13th annual So Cal...blah blah...ooooooh I cannot WAIT until we can say 13th annual Artbeat! How fun will that be! But until then, here are some photos of the 4th annual Artbeat....it was all pretty great <3 Randy L. took the photos. Check him out.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
23 hours ago
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