At the time of this writing, we're only a handful of days away from a new year. 2008 was full of both challenges and amazing opportunities for our family, and one in particular has got me excited for 2009. And we're talking Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch type excited here, folks......
As most of you know, for the past few years I've been balancing a professional writing career and directing a performing arts ministry through my church. I've been extremely blessed in both endeavors, and thank God every day that my childhood dreams of writing, traveling the world and starting a family have all come true.
I've always been the sort of person who will burn the candle at both ends, never wanting to miss an opportunity. However recently, God has really inspired me to reevaluate what it means to be a 20-something living for Him. I've always had the energy to work, spend time with friends & family, serve in the church and do a million other things....but my order of priorities has been a bit jumbled.
In 2009, I intend to do some rearranging, so my life list will have ministry as leader of the pack. After some prayer and discussion with some people I value highly in my life, I received word of an opportunity known as Mission America Placement Services (M.A.P.S.) and will be applying next week to be a full-time missionary.
During my intended two-year commitment with the program, I will hopefully be working closely with my home church as an informal staff member, brainstorming and serving for Creative Arts, as well as directing and expanding the main dance & drama ministry I already run there.
My church's board has already given their full blessing for this endeavor, and like I said, I'm about to pull a Tom Cruise over here.....
Our big spring outreach performance this year is called Project 365, where we will inspire and challenge the audience to show Christ's love to someone at least once a day, every day, for a year. Our side stage children's production will also be presented in the late spring, and our 4th annual summer variety show where we celebrate all aspects of Christian art will be happening in August.
I'll also be leading two teams back to Trinidad for a 2nd time this summer, as well as starting the preliminary process toward possibly planning an outreach team to Brazil in 2010.
Life is crazy busy and full of amazing blessings, and I have faith that the Lord is going to provide the two components necessary for me to make outreach missions my full time job - prayer & finances.
I'd love it if you would consider supporting me in either of these ways. Prayer is obviously the most important part of my ministry, and anyone else's for that matter! Please join me in prayer as I arrange my life in 2009 to balance full time ministry and motherhood to the world's cutest 6 month old. ;)
Secondly, I need to raise about $2000 a month (ouch!) in sponsor money to support the ministry and my part in it. One time donations and monthly sponsors are both needed for this to happen, and all donations are tax-deductible.
Will you back me up on this new journey? Feel free to leave a comment on this post if you'd like to receive a packet of info on being a financial or prayer supporter, or if you want to remain an eager reader who will receive regular blog updates :)
Thank you so much, friends! I feel so blessed and lucky to know that many of you will respond with your support and faith.
Happy New Year! <3
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
16 hours ago